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Quantum Game Jam 2023

SEPTEMBER 15-17, 2023

If you wish to host a physical site in your region for the participants to jam in person, please check the following deck for more information and feel free to submit the application though the form:

Developing Quantum Games

The information content on this page has been developed by Laura Piispanen for the organizing of Quantum Game Jams and Aalto University’s Quantum Games -course. We want to share it also publicly for anyone interested also creating a game on their own! Best way to get yourself going is to join in a Quantum Game Jam, but if there is not one happening soon, you can still join our discord-server for extra support, peers or even for finding a team to work with! Our Quantum Game community’s server is called Game-Set-Quanta.


Game Jam? Gimme a video!

Some really good advice for preparing for a game jam !

HOW TO GAME JAM! (less than 9min)


What is Quantum Game Jam?

Quantum Game Jam is an open and relaxed event for creating quantum physics related games based on themes revealed at the start of the event. It nurtures collaboration between quantum physicists, game developers and artists. 

Registering and game uploads: 

Main platform for the event: Discord / Game-Set-Quanta 

Stream of the event for talks and instructions: 

At a Game Jam a special theme is revealed at the start of the jam. At a Quantum Game Jam this theme usually is tied together with quantum physics and/or quantum computing.

After presenting the theme we will brainstorm on ideas TOGETHER on discord. The stream is also used to guide this. Anyone may present a quantum game idea (or more) after the brainstorming session and pitch it to the others through a designed discord channel. Each idea gets its own channel to which people can then join, introduce what talents they can bring to the team and start brainstorming the idea further. 


Then you have until the third day until PRESENTING YOUR GAME 🤩 🤩  + game play videos and pictures 😏


Game - Set - Quanta Discord

Discord is an online platform for text-based chatting, sharing files, talking over voice channels and even sharing your screen easily with others. A community may host their own server using this platform like our quantum game community has its server called Game-Set-Quanta. Do join us for support, peers and tips! 


Twitch is an online service for streaming live video. It focuses on video game streaming, but suits our Quantum Game Jam events wonderfully! You are able to just follow the steam in the background, but if you wish to comment, we encourage you to use the discord channel called #chat, under the category LOUNGE. We chose to use so that it would be easy for people not yet brave to join our server to follow as well, so commenting through is also welcome. 

The live stream link is while the comments are followed on Discord! #chat

6 is an open service for sharing games from independent digital creators that allows hosting a game jam and this way collecting the produced games together. If you create an account, you are able to share content and also comment on games you’ve tried -- anyone would love to hear that you’ve enjoyed playing their game! We propose you create your account before joining a Game Jam for example so that you are able to share your game or be added as a creator to your team’s creation! 


Each game developed for quantum game jams will be uploaded on and shared through the event page. They should have a short play-video introducing the game, information about who were part of creating it and some nice pictures. Tell about the game and how it is connected to the theme of the jam!


Code of Conduct

Our Quantum Game Jam events follow the Code of Conduct of IGDA Finland

Get in Touch

If you wish to know more about the Quantum Game Jam or wish to be a partner with hosting own physical site for the jam or be one of the sponsors, feel free to contact us!

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